Calendar of Physics Talks Vienna

Inauguration Ceremony Doctoral Program DK-PI
Speaker: Prof. A.Zeilinger / Prof. John Ellis
Abstract:Prof.Zeilinger : Quantum Entanglement: From Einstein via John Bell at CERN to Quantum Information - Prof.Ellis: The Long Road to the Higgs Boson and Beyond The discovery of a Higgs boson was a milestone in our fundamental description of matter. Postulated theoretically in 1964 and the object of major experimental searches at CERN‘s LHC, this particle is vital evidence how other particles acquire their masses. However, there are many open questions in fundamental physics, such as the nature of astrophysical dark matter and the origin of matter itself. Future experiments at the LHC and other accelerators aim at answering these questions.
Date: Tue, 10.03.2015
Time: 14:00
Location:TU WIEN, Kuppelsaal
Contact:Simone Krüger

Molecular Dynamics simulations of polymeric drag reduction in pseudo-turbulent nano-scale flows
Speaker:Stanislav Bocanski, M.Sc. (TU Wien, IAP & OMV Exploration & Production GmbH, Gänserndorf)
Abstract:Material throughput in internal flow systems is inevitably limited by viscous drag. Such friction processes become even more drastic in turbulent flows. One effective method to reduce drag in turbulent flow regimes is to employ ppm-amounts of long-chain polymeric additives. This is done, e.g., in pipelines transporting crude oil over long distances. Despite several fields of application, the underlying theory of polymeric drag reduction still lacks completeness. We present a microscopic approach to investigate flow improvement by polymers under turbulent conditions by means of Molecular Dynamics simulations. This way, we provide evidence of the most recent theoretical developments on nano-scales. Basic assumptions, such as the so-called Lumley-hypothesis, are clearly verified. Our technique allows for deeper insights into the molecular mechanisms, especially inertial aspects, of drag re
Date: Tue, 10.03.2015
Time: 16:00
Location:Technische Universität Wien, Institut für Angewandte Physik, E134 yellow tower „B“, 5th floor, Seminarraum 134A (room number DB05L03) 1040 Wien, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10
Contact:Ao.Univ.Prof. Dr. Martin Gröschl

Wissenschaft und Blödsinn Über die Grenzziehung zwischen esoterischem Bauchgefühl und echtem Wissen
Speaker:Dr. Florian Aigner (Büro für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der Technischen Universität Wien)
Abstract:Naturwissenschaftliches Grundwissen wird immer wichtiger – aber trotzdem ist esoterischer Aberglaube immer noch weit verbreitet. Eine ganze Wirtschaftsbranche hat sich entwickelt, die mit Wünschelruten, Horoskopen, Wasserbelebungsapparaten oder mysteriösen Elektrosmog-Abschirmungstechniken Geld verdient. Um leichtgläubige Konsumenten zu schützen, aber auch um die Grenze zwischen Wissenschaft und Esoterik klar sichtbar zu machen, werden solche pseudowissenschaftlichen Behauptungen von Skeptiker-Vereinen auf der ganzen Welt unter die Lupe genommen. Im deutschsprachigen Raum ist die GWUP (Gesellschaft zur Wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung von Parawissenschaften) aktiv. Manchmal genügen einfache Rechnungen, um Aussagen als Unsinn zu entlarven, manchmal werden auch aufwändige verblindete Studien durchgeführt. Das Ergebnis war bisher freilich immer dasselbe:
Date: Tue, 10.03.2015
Time: 17:30
Duration: 60 min
Location:Lise-Meitner-Hörsaal, Fakultät für Physik, Universität Wien, 1090 Wien, Strudlhofgasse 4 / Boltzmanngasse 5, 1. Stock
Contact:F. Aumayr (Chem.Phys.Gesellschaft)

Where are we going?
Speaker:John Ellis (CERN)
Abstract:This is the question all particle physicists are asking after the discovery of the Higgs boson. This talk will discuss what the Higgs boson may be telling us, and foci on supersymmetry as a possible extension of the Standard Model. Probes of possible new physics at the LHC and possible future colliders will also be discussed.
Date: Wed, 11.03.2015
Time: 14:00
Duration: 60 min
Location:Ludwig-Boltzmann-Hörsaal, Erdgeschoss, Strudlhofgasse 4, 1090 Wien
Contact:A. Hoang, H. Neufeld

Universality and scaling in tunable Luttinger spin liquids
Speaker:Andrey ZHELUDEV (ETH Zurich)
Abstract:Landau's theory of Fermi liquids, which is the cornerstone of our understanding of fermionic systems, breaks down in low dimensions. In one dimension, interacting fermions are in a quantum critical state with some fascinating universal thermodynamic properties and correlation functions. This particularly interesting case is quantitatively described by the so-called Luttinger liquid theory. The cleanest real-world realizations of this model are found in low-dimensional spin systems, such as in Heisenberg spin chain and ladder materials. In my talk I shall review the most recent results of magneto-thermodynamic and neutron scattering studies of Luttinger liquid properties of low dimensional quantum magnets under high magnetic fields. Time permitting, I will show how similar behavior is realized in the d=1 Ising material under appropriate conditions.
Date: Wed, 11.03.2015
Time: 16:00
Duration: 45 min
Location:Freihaus Seminarraum 138B, Turm C, 7. OG (rote Leitfarbe)
Contact:Andrei Pimenov

On asymptotic properties of vacuum solutions of the Einstein equations with positive cosmological constant
Speaker:Tim Paetz (Vienna)
Abstract:im Rahmen des Seminars in Geometric Analysis and Physics (GAP Seminar)
Date: Thu, 12.03.2015
Time: 11:00
Duration: 60 min
Location:Arbeitsgruppe Gravitation, Währinger Strasse 17, Seminarraum Kernphysik, 5. Stock, Zi. 504-506, 1090 Wien
Contact:M. Bauer (Fak. Math, U.V.), V. Branding (Fak. Math, T.U.), D. Fajman (Fak. Phys, U.V.), J. Joudioux (Fak. Phys, U.V.)

New physics, observables, and quantum field theory
Speaker:Axel Maas (Axel Maas)
Abstract:The definition of an observable in quantum field theory is an intricate question. This becomes most apparent in the Higgs sector of the standard model: From a field theoretical perspective, neither the W and Z nor the Higgs should be observable particles. Nonetheless, they seem to be. This apparent paradox can be resolved using field theory, and this resolution is confirmed by numerical simulations and is consistent with experimental observations. However, this resolution works because of very special properties of the standard model. It may not apply to new physics scenarios. This has implications for experimental signatures, and the viability of models.
Date: Fri, 13.03.2015
Time: 10:30
Duration: 60 min
Location:Seminar Room, Wohllebengasse 12-14 (Academy building), ground floor
Contact:Josef Pradler

Wilson lines in Higher Spin Holography
Speaker:Alejandra Castro (University of Amsterdam)
Abstract:In recent years there has been a renewed interest in higher spin gravity. These theories have the potential to be the simplest models of AdS/CFT, and hence can provide insight to the fundamental mechanics behind holography. In this talk I'll overview recent progress on non-perturbative aspects of these theories with particular emphasis on Wilson lines and their relation to holographic entanglement entropy.
Date: Fri, 13.03.2015
Time: 14:00
Duration: 60 min
Location:SEM 136, TU Wien, Freihaus, 10th floor (Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10, A-1040 Vienna)
Contact:Wout Merbis