Fundamental Interactions Preprints 2007

Preprints of the group Fundamental Interactions in the year 2007:

  • TUW-07-02 C. Mayrhofer, A. Rebhan, P. van Nieuwenhuizen and R. Wimmer, Perturbative quantum corrections to the supersymmetric CP1 kink with twisted mass, hep-th/0706.4476
  • TUW-07-03 S. Guttenberg, Derived brackets from super-Poisson brackets, hep-th/0703085
  • TUW-07-04 M. Kreuzer, B. Nill, Classification of toric Fano 5-folds, math.AG/0702890
  • TUW-07-05 V. Braun, M. Kreuzer, B. A. Ovrut and E. Scheidegger, Worldsheet instantons, torsion curves, and non-perturbative superpotentials, hep-th/0703134
  • TUW-07-06 N. P. Bobev, R. C. Rashkov, Spiky Strings, Giant Magnons and beta-deformations, hep-th/0706.0442
  • TUW-07-07 V. Braun, M. Kreuzer, B. A. Ovrut and E. Scheidegger, Worldsheet Instantons and Torsion Curves Part A: Direct Computation, hep-th/0703182
  • TUW-07-08 V. Braun, M. Kreuzer, B. A. Ovrut and E. Scheidegger, Worldsheet Instantons and Torsion Curves Part B: Mirror Symmetry, hep-th/0704.0449
  • TUW-07-09 D. N. Blaschke and S. Hohenegger, A Generalization of Slavnov-Extended Non-Commutative Gauge Theories, hep-th/0705.3007
  • TUW-07-10 D. N. Blaschke, H. Grosse and M. Schweda, Non-commutative U(1) gauge theory on R4Θ with oscillator term, hep-th/0705.4205
  • TUW-07-11 P. Bozhilov and R. C. Rashkov, On the multi-spin magnon and spike solutions from membranes, hep-th/0708.0325
  • TUW-07-12 C. Herzog and A. Vuorinen, Spinning dragging strings, hep-th/0708.0609
  • TUW-07-13 D. N. Blaschke, A vector supersymmetry killing IR divergences in non-commutative gauge theories, hep-th/0710.3055
  • TUW-07-14 H. Dimov and R.C. Rashkov, On the anatomy of multi-spin magnon and single spike string solutions, arxiv:0709.4231
  • TUW-07-15 S. Guttenberg, M. Herbst, M. Kreuzer and R.C. Rashkov, Non-topological non-commutativity in string theory, arxiv:0712.4167
  • TUW-07-16 M. Kreuzer, C. Mayrhofer and R.C. Rashkov, A note on Near Flat Space Limit for strings on Maldacena-Nunez background, arxiv:0711.3600