Fundamental Interactions Preprints 2009

Fundamental Interactions Preprints 2009

Preprints of the group Fundamental Interactions in the year 2009:

  • TUW-09-01 A. Rebhan, P. van Nieuwenhuizen and R. Wimmer, Quantum corrections to solitons and BPS saturation hep-th/0902.1904
  • TUW-09-02 A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt and P. van Nieuwenhuizen, One-loop results for kink and domain wall profiles at zero and finite temperature hep-th/0903.5242
  • TUW-09-03 D. Grumiller and P. van Nieuwenhuizen, Holographic counterterms from supersymmetry without boundary conditions hep-th/0908.3486
  • TUW-09-04 M. Kreuzer, Heterotic (0,2) Gepner models and related geometries hep-th/0904.4467
  • TUW-09-05 M. Kreuzer, The making of Calabi-Yau spaces: Beyond toric hypersurfaces hep-th/0904.4487
  • TUW-09-06 P. M. Chesler, A. Gynther and A. Vuorinen, On the dispersion of fundamental particles in QCD and N=4 Super Yang-Mills theory hep-ph/0906.3052
  • TUW-09-07 M.E. Carrington and A. Rebhan, On the imaginary part of the next-to-leading order static gluon self-energy in an anisotropic plasma hep-ph/0906.5200
  • TUW-09-08 E. Avsar, E. Iancu, L. McLerran and D.N. Triantafyllopoulos, Shockwaves and deep inelastic scattering within the gauge/gravity duality hep-ph/0907.4604
  • TUW-09-09 M. Schimpf and R.C. Rashkov, A note on strings in deformed AdS_4 x CP3 background hep-th/0908.2246
  • TUW-09-10 H. Dimov, M. Michalcik and R.C. Rashkov, Strings in deformed T11: giant magnon and single spike solutions hep-th/0908.3065
  • TUW-09-11 H. Dimov and R.C. Rashkov, On the pulsating strings in AdS_4 x CP3 hep-th/0908.2218
  • TUW-09-12 D. Grumiller and A.M. Piso, Exact relativistic viscous fluid solutions in near horizon extremal Kerr background astro-ph.SR/0909.2041
  • TUW-09-13 D. Grumiller and I. Sachs, AdS3/LCFT2 - Correlators in Cosmological Topologically Massive Gravity hep-th/0910.5241
  • TUW-09-14 A. Gynther, A. Kurkela and A.Vuorinen, The N_f^3 g^6 term in the pressure of hot QCD hep-ph/0909.3521
  • TUW-09-15 A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt and S. A. Stricker, Anomalies and the chiral magnetic effect in the Sakai-Sugimoto model hep-th/0909.4782
  • TUW-09-16 S. Ertl, D. Grumiller and N. Johansson, Erratum to `Instability in cosmological topologically massive gravity at the chiral point' hep-th/0910.1706
  • TUW-09-17 D.N. Blaschke, A. Rofner, R.I.P. Sedmik and M. Wohlgenannt, On Non-Commutative U_*(1) Gauge Models and Renormalizability - The BRSW model' hep-th/0912.2634
  • TUW-09-18 D. Grumiller and O. Hohm, AdS3/LCFT2 - Correlators in New Massive Gravity hep-th/0911.4274
  • TUW-09-19 A. Kurkela, P. Romatschke and A.Vuorinen, Cold quark matter hep-ph/0912.1856
  • TUW-09-20 A. Rebhan and D. Steineder, Collective modes and instabilities in anisotropically expanding ultarelativistic plasmas hep-ph/0912.5383
  • TUW-09-21 D.N. Blaschke, H. Grosse, E. Kronberger, M. Schweda and M. Wohlgenannt, Loop Calculations for the Non-Commutative U*(1) Gauge Field Model with Oscillator Term hep-th/0912.3642
  • TUW-09-22 D. Grumiller and N. Johansson, Gravity duals for logarithmic conformal field theories hep-th/1001.0002