Calendar of Physics Talks ViennaThis service is intended to offer a forum for announcing talks and seminars in the fields of Physics, Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences. These subjects are split up in 14 categories, see arxiv.org. When announcing a talk please specify at least one matching category. We plan to implement further features like weekly PDF output and maybe atom feeds. Talk SubmissionSelective viewing of subject categories is about to be implemented: HistoryCalendar of Physics Talks (CPT) was written in 1994 by Gottfried Jäger and Sascha Husa, coordinated by Maximilian Kreuzer and Dominik Schwarz. The Web Interface was written by Ulrich Kiermayr. Financially supported by: CPT redesign and mod_perl2 reimplementation in 2006/2008 by Maximilian Attems, coordinated by Maximilian Kreuzer, Anton Rebhan and Hannes-Jörg Schmiedmayer. Financially supported by: Migrate to new server in Feb 2022 by Andreas Ipp. |