Calendar of Physics Talks Vienna

Warped Black Holes in Lower-Spin Gravity
Speaker:Max Riegler (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium)
Abstract:im Rahmen des Seminars für Mathematische Physik (Joint TU/UV Theory Seminar): In this talk I will talk about recent work (1801.07263) showing that (spacelike) warped AdS_3 black hole solutions can be consistently described in a lower-spin gravity theory. This model provides a very simple playground to explore warped black holes and at the same time warped conformal field theories at finite temperature. I will put an emphasis on the basic ideas that are needed to translate geometric statements into a gauge-theoretic language as well as how to compute the thermodynamic properties of warped black holes in this theory.
Date: Tue, 30.10.2018
Time: 13:45
Duration: 60 min
Location:TU Wien, Getreidemarkt 9, Maschinenbaugebäude, 1. Stock, HS Kleiner Schiffbau
Contact:S. Fredenhagen, D. Grumiller

Femtolensing by Dark Matter
Speaker:Wei Xue (CERN)
Abstract:Femtolensing of gamma ray bursts (GRBs) has been put forward as an exciting possibility to probe exotic astrophysical objects with masses below 10^−13 solar masses such as small primordial black holes or ultra-compact dark matter minihalos, made up for instance of QCD axions. In this talk I will review this idea, properly taking into account the extended nature of the source as well as wave optics effects. I will demonstrate that most GRBs are inappropriate for femtolensing searches due to their large sizes. This removes the previous femtolensing bounds on primordial black holes, implying that vast regions of parameter space for primordial black hole dark matter are not robustly constrained.
Date: Tue, 30.10.2018
Time: 14:00
Duration: 60 min
Location:HEPHY Library
Contact:Josef Pradler

High Energy Jets
Speaker:Andreas Maier (Desy, Deutschland)
Abstract:Im Rahmen des Teilchenphysikseminars: High Energy Jets (HEJ) is a framework for the resummation of high-energy logarithms in processes involving multiple jets. I give an overview over the current status of the HEJ project and recent progress in the matching to fixed-order predictions and parton showers. As a phenomenological application, I present results for the gluon-fusion background to Higgs-boson production in weak-boson fusion.
Date: Tue, 30.10.2018
Time: 16:15
Duration: 60 min
Location:Fakultät für Physik, Erwin-Schrödinger-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5, 5. Stock
Contact:A. Hoang, S. Plätzer