Calendar of Physics Talks Vienna

Probing relativistic gravity with radio astronomy
Speaker: Michael Kramer (MPG Bonn)
Abstract:Joint Theory Seminar: We experience a golden era in testing and exploring relativistic gravity. Whether it is results from gravitational wave detectors, satellite or lab experiments, radio astronomy plays an important complementary role. Here one can mention the cosmic microwave background, black hole imaging and, obviously, binary pulsars. This talk will provide an overview how these methods relate to each other, and will in particular focus on new results from the study of binary pulsars,where we can test the behaviour of strongly self-gravitating bodies with unrivalled precision. The talk will also give an outlook of what we can expect from new experiments, such as MeerKAT or the SKA.
Date: Tue, 26.04.2022
Time: 14:00
Duration: 60 min
Location:Erwin-Schrödinger-Hörsaal, University of Vienna, Boltzmanngasse 5, 5th floor, Room Nr. 3500
Contact:S. Fredenhagen, D. Grumiller, P. Chrusciel, E. Battista

Towards a physics of living materials
Speaker:Sebastian Fürthauer (TU Wien, Institut für Angewandte Physik)
Abstract:Living cells move, deform and divide. The engine of these behaviors is the cytoskeleton, a highly crosslinked network of polymer filaments and molecular scale motors that use chemical energy to do work. We develop a theory that predicts how the micro-scale properties of molecular motors and crosslinks tune the networks emergent material properties and generate predictable, and possibly controllable, behaviors. I will present how this theory is constructed, and discuss its implications for cytoskeletal networks in vitro and in vivo, highlighting how it has helped to quantitatively understand motor driven microtubule fluxes in a system made from XCTK2 motors and stabilized microtubules, and how it resolved long-standing puzzles about the motion of microtubules in spindles. I will then discuss some future research directions and sketch how the approach taken here can be generalized to descr
Date: Tue, 26.04.2022
Time: 16:00
Location:TU Wien, Institut für Angewandte Physik, E134 1040 Wien, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10 Yellow Tower „B“, 5th floor, SEM.R. DB gelb 05 B; The seminar will be also held as a Zoom Meeting https://tuwien.zoo
Contact:Univ.Prof. Dr. G. Schütz

A physicist's perspective on BMS symmetries
Speaker:Laura Donnay (TU Wien)
Abstract:In this talk, I will review recent developments on the physical implications of (extended) Bondi-Metzner-Sachs (BMS) symmetries and charges for gravity in asymptotically flat spacetimes and black hole physics.
Date: Thu, 28.04.2022
Time: 15:00
Duration: 60 min
Location:Gravitationsphysik: Seminarraum A - Währinger Strasse 17, 2. Stock
Contact:P. Chrusciel, D. Fajman

Probing engineered quantum materials with quantum circuits
Speaker:Andrew Patrick Higginbotham (IST)
Abstract:Coherently coupling target systems to microwave cavities is a celebrated strategy in quantum science, having been pioneered in atomic systems and later applied to superconducting and spin qubits. Is it possible to adapt these techniques to the domain of quantum materials? I will discuss two recent examples of using quantum microwave circuits to probe quantum materials within my group. The first example is the detection of p±ip induced pairing, a key pre-requisite for topological superconductivity in Al/InAs. The second example is the study of quantum phase transitions in Josephson arrays. Similar to one-dimensional BECs, these systems are physical realizations of a Luttinger liquid with tunable parameters. By comparing transport and resonant microwave response, we show how thermally activated superconductivity can survive deep into the nominally insulating phase. In addition to clarify
Date: Fri, 29.04.2022
Time: 10:00
Duration: 45 min
Location:ATI Hörsaal/https://tuwien.zoom.us/j/93672218922?pwd=dEZNQ2liVzRNNURvNmVWVE5KUWRiQT09
Contact:Julian Leonard