Homepage Ulrike Kraemmer

Ulli2.jpg Vertr.Ass. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Ulrike Kraemmer

ulli at hep.itp dot tuwien dot ac dot at

Vorlesung Kosmologie und Teilchenphysik WS 2009/10

Freitag 9.10.2009, 08:15, EI 2 Pichelmayer HS, Altes EI

Ergänzende Vorlesungsfolien (PDF)


  • E.W. Kolb & M.S. Turner: The Early Universe, Perseus Books
  • V. Mukhanov: Physical Foundations of Cosmology, Cambridge University Press
  • Michael Treichel: Teilchenphysik und Kosmologie, Springer-Verlag

Vorlesung Elementary Particle Physics II (SS 2008)

Englischsprachige Vorlesung

montags 9:15 - 10:45, Seminarraum 136, Freihaus 10.OG
Aim of course
Knowledge of the essential basic facts of the modern ``Standard Model of elementary particles and their electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions.
Subject of course
Basics of group theory; first introduction to the quantum field theory of elementary particles, quarks and nonabelian gauge theories
Contrary to what the title suggests, this course does not depend on the lecture "Elementary Particle Physics I" which this year was on experimental elementary particle physics.
Knowledge of some basics in quantum field theory (e.g. on the level of the course "Introduction to Quantum Electrodynamics") is welcome but not required.

Projektarbeiten Teilchenphysik, Theoretische Elementarteilchenphysik

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