Calendar of Physics Talks Vienna

Zero rest-mass fields and the Newman-Penrose constants on flat space
Speaker:Edgar Gasperin (Queen Mary, University of London)
Abstract:Zero rest-mass fields (the electromagnetic field and the linearised gravitational field) prop- agating on flat space and their corresponding Newman-Penrose constants are studied near spatial infinity. The aim of the analysis made in this article is to clarify the correspondence between data for the field on a spacelike hypersurface and their corresponding Newman- Penrose constants at future and past null infinity. To do so, the framework of the cylinder at spatial infinity is employed to show that, expanding the initial data as in terms spherical har- monics and powers of the geodesic spatial distance ρ to spatial infinity, the Newman-Penrose constants correspond to the data for the highest possible spherical harmonic at fixed order in ρ. As a by product of this analysis, it is shown that the electromagnetic constants at future and past null infinity are related as they correspond to ...
Date: Wed, 10.08.2016
Time: 14:00
Duration: 60 min
Location:Arbeitsgruppe Gravitation, Währinger Strasse 17, Seminarraum A, 2. Stock, 1090 Wien
Contact:P.T. Chrusciel