Calendar of Physics Talks Vienna

From the open Dicke model to a superradiant Mott-insulator
Speaker:Hans Keßler (Universidade de São Paulo )
Abstract:It is well known that the bosonic Hubbard model possesses a Mott insulator phase. Likewise, it is known that the Dicke-model exhibits a self-organized superradiant phase. By implementing an optical lattice inside of a high-finesse optical cavity, both models are merged such that an extended Hubbard model with cavity-mediated infinite range interactions arises. In addition to a normal superfluid phase, two superradiant phases are found, one of them coherent and hence superfluid and one incoherent Mott insulating.
Date: Mon, 11.02.2019
Time: 14:30
Duration: 90 min
Location:Semiarraum, Atominstitut, Stadionallee 2, Wien 2
Contact:Arno Rauschenbeutel

Searching for dark matter candidates with cold atoms
Speaker:Paul Hamilton (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California – Los Angeles)
Abstract: I will discuss two experiments in development at UCLA using laser cooled atoms to search for new physics. The first experiment will look for oscillating forces predicted in some models of dark matter by using an optical cavity to read out Bloch oscillations of ytterbium atoms confined to an intracavity optical lattice. The second experiment, HUNTER (Heavy Unseen Neutrinos by Total Energy-momentum Reconstruction), will search for heavy sterile neutrinos by measuring the effect of their recoil on radioactive 131-Cs atoms undergoing electron capture decay using the MOTRIMS (Magneto-optical trap recoil ion momentum spectroscopy) technique
Date: Fri, 15.02.2019
Time: 14:00
Location:Atominstitut, Hörsaal, Stadionallee 2, Wien 2
Contact:Philipp Haslinger