Calendar of Physics Talks Vienna

A second-quantised Shannon theory
Speaker:Giulio Chiribella (CoQuS Colloquium Talk)
Abstract:You will find further information on coqus.at
Date: Mon, 04.03.2019
Time: 16:30
Duration: 120 min
Location:TU Wien, Atominstitut, Stadionallee 2, 1020 Vienna
Contact:CoQuS Administration team

Numerical techniques for resummation in Soft-Collinear Effective Theory
Speaker:Rudi Rahn (ITP der Univ. Bern, Schweiz)
Abstract:All-order resummation of large logarithms in collider physics is typically achieved via one of two ways:parton showers provide a flexible and fully exclusive approach,yet the systematics of which logarithmic accuracy they achieve is not fully understood. Analytic resummation in full QCD or Effective Theory frameworks,on the other hand, are fully generalisable to higher logarithmic accuracy,yet observable specific. In this talk I will present a framework to numerically evaluate soft functions for generic observables in Soft-Collinear Effective Theory (SCET), which represents a first step towards a generalised framework of analytic resummation for arbitrary observables. In addition, I will present a few insights into the structure of analytic resummation in effective field theory contexts derived from it, as well as SoftSERVE, a program implementing our approach and making ....
Date: Tue, 05.03.2019
Time: 16:15
Duration: 60 min
Location:Fakultät für Physik, Erwin-Schrödinger-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5, 5. Stock
Contact:A. Hoang, H. Neufeld, S. Plätzer, M. Procura

Positivity of hyperbolic mass
Speaker:Piotr Chrusciel
Abstract:I will present the proof of positivity of hyperbolic mass in all dimensions for asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds with spherical conformal infinity. Based on joint work with Erwann Delay arXiv:1901.05263
Date: Thu, 07.03.2019
Time: 14:00
Duration: 60 min
Location:Arbeitsgruppe Gravitation, Währinger Strasse 17, Raum 218, 2. Stock, 1090 Wien
Contact:P.T. Chrusciel, D. Fajman