Calendar of Physics Talks Vienna

Almost relevant corrections for direct measurements of electron's g-factor
Speaker:Benjamin Koch
Abstract:The observable used for the direct measurements of the electron's $g$ factor is revisited. This is done by considering the sub-leading effects of the large magnetic background field and virtual Standard Model processes. We find substantial corrections to the Landau levels of the electron. Implications for the observed magnetic moment and the tension between direct and indirect measurement are discussed.
Date: Tue, 19.10.2021
Time: 14:00
Location:ZOOM: https://tuwien.zoom.us/j/97641048733?pwd=Q2JqOThkeXpUQy9ESit6R1NCZElkdz09 Password: uYTuX81c
Contact:Romain Ruzziconi, Benjamin Koch

Almost relevant corrections for direct measurements of electron's g-factor
Speaker:Benjamin Koch (TU Wien)
Abstract:JOINT THEORY SEMINAR: The observable used for the direct measurements of the electron's g factor is revisited. This is done by considering the sub-leading effects of the large magnetic background field and virtual Standard Model processes. We find substantial corrections to the Landau levels of the electron. Implications for the observed magnetic moment and the tension between direct and indirect measurement are discussed.
Date: Tue, 19.10.2021
Time: 14:00
Duration: 60 min
Location:ZOOM: https://tuwien.zoom.us/j/97641048733?pwd=Q2JqOThkeXpUQy9ESit6R1NCZElkdz09 Password: uYTuX81c
Contact:S. Fredenhagen, D. Grumiller, E. Battista

The Geometric SMEFT description of curved Higgs Field Space(s)
Speaker:Michael Trott(CERN)
Abstract:In recent years,the effective field theory approach to the Standard Model,the SMEFT,has been used to study LHC data with ever increasing theoretical precision andsophistication.However the complexity of this theory lead to several barriers to substantial theoretical progress.In particular,the explosion in the number of parameters in the SMEFTas a function of operator mass dimension,and the technical challenge or reformulatingSM predictions consistently into the SMEFT were very serious problems,that called into question the possible success and value of the SMEFT physics program over the long term.I will discuss how these challenges have been overcome. The key point leading to this advanceis the understanding that the projection of curved scalar field spaces generated by the Higgs onto a naive flat field space understanding implicitly embedded into the usual SMEFT Lagrangian and ...
Date: Tue, 19.10.2021
Time: 16:15
Duration: 60 min
Location:Fakultät für Physik, Erwin-Schrödinger-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5, 5. Stock
Contact:A. Hoang, M. Prokura

Homogenization of the Einstein equations under symmetry
Speaker:Rita Texeira de Costa (Princeton)
Abstract:Due to their nonlinear nature, the Einstein equations are not closed under weak convergence: failure of compactness, due to oscillations and concentrations, produces an excess energy momentum tensor. In 1989, Burnett conjectured that, for vacuum sequences with high-frequency oscillations, the matter produced in this limit is captured by the Einstein-massless Vlasov model. In this talk, we give a proof of Burnett's conjecture under some gauge and symmetry assumptions, improving previous work by Huneau—Luk from 2019. Our methods are more general, and apply to oscillating sequences of solutions to the wave maps equation in (1+2)-dimensions. This is joint work with André Guerra (Institute for Advanced Study).
Date: Thu, 21.10.2021
Time: 15:00
Duration: 60 min
Location:ZOOM https://univienna.zoom.us/j/6540036841?pwd=SytyVkZJZzNyRG9lMm13ejlHeHRRUT09
Contact:Piotr Chrusciel, David Fajman

Tracking evaporative cooling of an atomic quantum gas in real time
Speaker:Johannes Zeiher (MPQ, München, DE)
Abstract:Ultracold atomic gases provide a clean setting for the study of mesoscopic systems, which are characterized by the importance of fluctuations of their constituent particles. However, detection of ultracold atomic gases is typically destructive, precluding repeated measurements on the same sample. In our experiment, we overcome this limitation by utilizing the enhanced light-matter coupling in a high-finesse optical cavity. We use a non-invasive measurement scheme to record continuous real-time traces of the atom number dynamics in a mesoscopic quantum gas undergoing evaporative cooling. Extracting two-time correlation functions from our measurements, we reveal the non-linear dynamics arising from an interplay between temperature variations and three-body loss in our evaporating gas. Furthermore, we utilize the high sensitivity afforded by our technique to study the stochastic fluctuation
Date: Fri, 22.10.2021
Time: 10:00
Duration: 45 min
Location:Hörsaal ATI /on-line
Contact:Maximilian Prüfer