Calendar of Physics Talks Vienna

High Precision Top Quark Vacuum Polarization
Speaker:Angelika Widl (Univ. Wien)
Abstract:The top quark vacuum polarization from two electromagnetic currents is an important input to the top quark pair production cross section at lepton colliders.High precision of it is necessary for comparisons with experimental data at future lepton colliders.At the top quark pair production threshold,the Coulomb singularity makes a resummation using the Schrödinger equation necessary.At first order,it can be solved analytically.At second and third order it can only be solved numerically.In the first part of the talk I will present an updated version of TOPPIK[1],a Fortran code solving the Schrödinger equation numerically.In our updated version Toppik++ we improved speed, precision,and made it numerically more stable.Above and below the top quark production threshold,the vacuum polarization is known from QCD loop calculations at one,two,and three loops.At four loops, only the expansions ...
Date: Tue, 01.02.2022
Time: 16:15
Duration: 60 min
Location:ZOOM https://univienna.zoom.us/j/93427906843?pwd=YjhSejdUVW16QjVQYUh5TVNSNFNhQT09 Meeting ID: 934 2790 6843 Passcode: 073703
Contact:A. Hoang, M. Procura