Calendar of Physics Talks Vienna

Duality in two dimensional nonabelian (0,2) theories
Speaker:Eric Sharpe (Virginia Tech)
Abstract:In this talk we will discuss various advances in Seiberg-like dualities in two-dimensional gauge theories with (2,2) and (0,2) supersymmetry. We begin with a quick review of the (2,2) supersymmetric CP^n model and nonabelian analogues, and review other (2,2) dualities, such as in gauge theories with both fundamentals and antifundamentals. In two dimensions, the gauge field has no dynamics, so it is possible to get a very concrete handle on IR behaviors, and also to see some phenomena one would not expect in four dimensions, such as dualities between abelian and nonabelian gauge theories. In addition, techniques such as supersymmetric localization enable for example exact partition function computations, which form a powerful tool for checking dualities, as we shall discuss. We then turn to (0,2) theories, and discuss general aspects of (0,2) dynamical supersymmetry breaking.
Date: Mon, 10.03.2014
Time: 14:00
Duration: 60 min
Location:Vienna University of Technology, Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10, yellow area, 10th floor, seminar room E136
Contact:Johanna Knapp

Correlations and quenches in the one-dimensional Bose gas
Speaker:Jean-Sébastien CAUX (U Amsterdam)
Abstract:This talk will provide an overview of recent progress in the application of exact methods to the dynamics of the one-dimensional Lieb-Liniger Bose gas. In equilibrium cases will include correlations at zero and finite temperature, and the effects of a confining trap as obtained from a numerical renormalization scheme. Out-of-equilibrium cases will include the effects of releasing the trap, discussions about equilibration and the generalized Gibbs ensemble, dynamics of the super Tonks-Girardeau gas and of specially-prepared initial states, as well as a new solution of the interaction quench problem from a BEC state to the repulsive gas.
Date: Tue, 11.03.2014
Time: 10:30
Location:TU Wien Atominstitut, Seminarraum, Stadionallee 2, 1020 Wien
Contact:Peter Rabl

Lieb-Thirring inequalities for interacting bosons
Speaker:Jan Philip Solovej (Univ. Copenhagen, z.Zt. ESI)
Abstract:im Rahmen des Seminars für Mathematische Physik
Date: Tue, 11.03.2014
Time: 14:15
Duration: 60 min
Location:Fakultät für Physik, Erwin-Schrödinger-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5, 5. Stock
Contact:J. Yngvason, J. Schlemmer

How many doublets?
Speaker:Ulrich Nierste (KIT, Karlsruhe)
Abstract:im Rahmen des Teilchenphysikseminars
Date: Tue, 11.03.2014
Time: 16:15
Duration: 60 min
Location:Fakultät für Physik, Erwin-Schrödinger-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5, 5. Stock
Contact:A. Hoang, V. Mateu

The Ricci flow on surfaces as an introduction to geometric flows
Speaker:Volker Branding (Vienna University of Technology, Department of Mathematics)
Abstract:In the first part of the talk we will give an introduction to geometric flows, no prior knowledge on this topic will be required. The second part of the talk will give an introduction to the Ricci Flow on closed surfaces. Finally, we will discuss how one can prove the existence of metrics with constant curvature on closed surfaces by using the Ricci flow.
Date: Thu, 13.03.2014
Time: 10:30
Duration: 60 min
Location:Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna, Besprechungszimmer 3 (3rd floor)
Contact:M. Bauer, V. Branding, A. Burtscher, D. Fajman, F. Genoud, J. Joudioux

Speaker:Ian B. SPIELMAN (Joint Quantum Institute, National Institute of Standards and Technology and the University of Maryland)
Abstract:Gauge fields are ubiquitous in Physics. For example, in the context of high energy physics, they are the fundamental carrier of forces; while in condensed matter systems the associated physical fields (electrical and magnetic) are essential in creating and understanding many-body phenomena. These fields can depend on internal - spin - degrees of freedom, and in material systems these spin-dependent gauge fields are often manifest as spin-orbit coupling (SOC, but more correctly spin-crystal momentum coupling). Here I present our experimental work synthesizing SOC for ultracold neutral atoms. I will first show how we use the light-matter interaction to engineer gauge terms in the atomic Hamiltonian, and then how to make these depend on spin. Using such techniques, we created SOC in a pseudo-spin 1/2 Bose gas and observed a previously unexpected quantum phase transition. I will conclude by showing the observed phase diagram of a spin-1 spin-orbit coupled Bose gas: a context without analog in traditional condensed matter systems.
Date: Thu, 13.03.2014
Time: 11:00
Location:TU Wien Atominstitut, Hörsaal, Stadionallee, 2, 1020 Wien
Contact:J. Schmiedmayer

Null canonical gravity
Speaker:Michael Reisenberger (Univ. de Montevideo)
Abstract:im Rahmen des Literaturseminars für Gravitation
Date: Thu, 13.03.2014
Time: 14:15
Duration: 60 min
Location:Arbeitsgruppe Gravitation, Währinger Strasse 17, Seminarraum A, 2. Stock, 1090 Wien
Contact:P. Chrusciel, H. Rumpf

A working Verlinde Formula for logarithmic CFT
Speaker:Simon Wood (Canberra)
Abstract:In rational CFT the Verlinde formula yields a simple method for computing fusion coefficients from the modular properties of characters of representations of the chiral algebra. In logarithmic CFT the Verlinde formula faces a number of difficulties. For example logarithmic CFT admits representations that are reducible yet indecomposable. The character of such an indecomposable representation cannot be distinguished from the character of the direct sum of the representation's composition factors. Therefore the Verlinde formula will also not be able make such a distinction. In this talk I will explain how to address such issues for the examples of the logarithmic extensions of the Virasoro minimal models called the triplet and singlet algebras.
Date: Thu, 13.03.2014
Time: 16:00
Duration: 60 min
Location:Vienna University of Technology, Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10, yellow area, 10th floor, seminar room E136
Contact:Johanna Knapp

From models describing phase transitions to QFT
Speaker:Harald Grosse (Univ. Wien)
Abstract:im Rahmen der gemeinsam veranstalteten Seminare "Komplexe Stochastische Systeme" (Univ. Wien) und "Analyse Komplexer Systeme" (Med.Univ.Wien)
Date: Fri, 14.03.2014
Time: 14:15
Duration: 90 min
Location:Fakultät für Physik, Erwin-Schrödinger-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5, 5. Stock
Contact:H. Hüffel und Stefan Thurner

Speaker:Stefan BAESSLER (Physics Department, University of Virginia, Charlottesville)
Abstract:The Spallation Neutron Source, the present strongest pulsed neutron source available for science, is operating since a few years. I will give an overview over the activities at the Fundamental Physics Beamline. In particular, I will report on the measurement of the parity violating gamma asymmetry in polarized neutron capture on hydrogen, and I will discuss the new neutron beta decay spectrometer Nab which is under construction.
Date: Fri, 14.03.2014
Time: 15:30
Location:TU Wien Atominstitut, Hörsaal, Stadionallee 2, 1020 Wien
Contact:H. Abele