Calendar of Physics Talks Vienna

The Black Hole Information Paradox: A resolution on the horizon?"
Speaker:Netta Engelhardt (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Abstract:Can information escape from a black hole? General Relativity, which describes the behavior of black holes, and quantum mechanics, which describes the behavior of information, do not agree on the answer. This disagreement is the essence of the famous nearly 50 year old Black Hole Information Paradox. Understanding the resolution of this problem is a central pillar in the quest for quantum gravity, a theory that describes the universe at the smallest scales by unifying General Relativity and quantum mechanics. In the past three years, there has been an unprecedented amount of progress towards a resolution. I will describe the origin of the paradox and the current status in light of the new developments. Public lecture as part of the Strings conference. Please register under: https://www.oeaw.ac.at/veranstaltungen/anmeldung/the-black-hole-information-paradox-a-resolution-on-the-horizon
Date: Fri, 22.07.2022
Time: 19:00
Duration: 60 min
Location:Oesterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Festsaal, Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2, 1010 Wien
Contact:Benjamin Koch, Raphaela Wutte, Daniel Grumiller

Black Holes: the Most Paradoxical Objects in the Universe
Speaker:Andrew Strominger (Harvard University)
Abstract:In the last decade black holes have come to center stage in both theoretical and observational science. Theoretically, they were shown a half-century ago by Stephen Hawking and others to obey a precise but still-mysterious set of laws which imply they are paradoxically both the simplest and most complex objects in the universe. Compelling progress on this paradox has occured recently. Observationally, they have finally and dramatically been seen in the sky, including at LIGO and the Event Horizon Telescope. Future prospects for progress on both fronts hinge on emergent symmetries occuring near the black holes. An elementary presentation of aspects of these topics and their interplay will be given. Colloquium as part of Strings 2022 conference Please register under: https://www.oeaw.ac.at/veranstaltungen/anmeldung/the-black-hole-information-paradox
Date: Sat, 23.07.2022
Time: 19:00
Duration: 60 min
Location:Oesterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Contact:Benjamin Koch, Raphaela Wutte, Daniel Grumiller