Calendar of Physics Talks Vienna

Anomaly inflow for local boundary conditions
Speaker:Dmitri Vassilevich (UFABC)
Abstract:Broadly understood, anomaly inflow means that anomaly on a manifold with boundaries can be expressed through anomalies in effective boundary theories. We show that this indeed happens to the parity anomaly in even and odd dimensions with hermitian local boundary conditions. We use the heat kernel methods and stress the importance of strong ellipticity condition. We comment on the applicability of these methods to the Witten-Yonekura boundary conditions. (Joint work with A.Ivanov, arXiv:2208.00476).
Date: Wed, 28.09.2022
Time: 14:00
Duration: 60 min
Location:TU Wien, SEM 136 (Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8, 1040 Vienna, Freihaus, 10th floor)
Contact:Daniel Grumiller