Calendar of Physics Talks Vienna

Quantum Field Theory in Graphene
Speaker:Dmitri Vassilevich (ABC do Federal U., Sao Paulo)
Abstract:This is a non-technical introduction to the Quantum Field Theory approach to the physics of graphene. The Dirac action for the quasiparticles will be derived. Then, calculations of the optical properties, of the conductivity, of the Casimir interaction, and of the Faraday effect will be described.
Date: Tue, 21.05.2013
Time: 14:15
Duration: 60 min
Location:SEM 136 (Freihaus, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10), Institute for Theoretical Physics, Vienna University of Technology
Contact:Daniel Grumiller

Quantum gravity and the fate of Lorentz symmetry
Speaker:Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman (Wrocław)
Abstract:im Rahmen des Literaturseminars
Date: Wed, 22.05.2013
Time: 15:00
Duration: 60 min
Location:Arbeitsgruppe: Gravitation, Währinger Strasse 17, Seminarraum A, 2. Stock
Contact:P. Chrusciel

Novel Quantum Phenomena in Perovskite Ruthenates
Speaker:Zhiqiang Mao (Department of Physics and Engineering Physics, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA/USA)
Abstract:Strongly correlated oxides have been the subject of intense study for the last two decades. Many of these materials exhibit exciting and technically useful properties; examples include high temperature superconductivity, colossal magnetoresistance, ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity. Perovskite ruthenates (Sr,Ca)n+1RunO3n+1 have become a focus in this field, since they exhibit a rich variety of fascinating ordered ground states, such as spin-triplet superconductivity, itinerant magnetism, field-tuned nematic phase, orbital ordering and Mott insulator behavior. The close proximity of these exotic states testifies to the delicate balance among the charge, spin, lattice and orbital degrees of freedom in ruthenates, and provides a remarkable opportunity for observing novel quantum phenomena through controlling external stimuli. In this talk, I will first give a brief overview of research
Date: Wed, 22.05.2013
Time: 16:00
Location:Technische Universität Wien, Institut für Festkörperphysik, Seminarraum 138A, 7.OG/B, DB07E11
Contact:Univ.Prof. Dr. Ulrike Diebold

Applications of apparent horizon stability in dynamical black hole spacetimes
Speaker:Jose-Luis Jaramillo (AEI Golm)
Abstract:im Rahmen des Literaturseminars
Date: Thu, 23.05.2013
Time: 14:00
Duration: 60 min
Location:Arbeitsgruppe: Gravitation, Währinger Strasse 17, Seminarraum A, 2. Stock
Contact:P. Chrusciel

Charm and Bottom Mass Determinations from Relativistic QCD sum rules at four Loops
Speaker:Bahman Dehnadi (Univ. Wien)
Abstract:im Rahmen des Teilchenphysikseminars
Date: Thu, 23.05.2013
Time: 14:15
Duration: 60 min
Location:Fakultät für Physik, Erwin-Schrödinger-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5, 5. Stock
Contact:A. Hoang, H. Neufeld

Branes and Supergravity
Speaker:Eric Bergshoeff (U. of Groningen)
Abstract:In this talk I will discuss some recent advances in our knowledge of supergravity theories and how this can be used to classify the branes of string theory by a simple group-theoretical criterium. Given this classification I will speculate about the geometry underlying string theory.
Date: Thu, 23.05.2013
Time: 16:00
Duration: 60 min
Location:SEM 136 (Freihaus, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10), Institute for Theoretical Physics, Vienna University of Technology
Contact:Daniel Grumiller and Johanna Knapp

The Momentum Shell Renormalization Group goes Monte Carlo
Speaker:Andreas Tröster (TU Wien)
Abstract:im Rahmen der gemeinsam veranstalteten Seminare "Komplexe Stochastische Systeme" (Univ.Wien) und "Analyse Komplexer Systeme" (Med.Univ.Wien)
Date: Fri, 24.05.2013
Time: 14:15
Duration: 90 min
Location:Fakultät für Physik, Erwin-Schrödinger-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5, 5. Stock
Contact:H. Hüffel, Stefan Thurner

Dynamics of emergent magnetic monopoles in the magnetoelectric spin ice Dy2Ti2O7
Speaker:Joachim Hemberger (University of Cologne)
Abstract:In systems with competing interactions frustration can create complex ground states with exotic excitations. Spin-ice is a solid manifestation of such a degenerate ground state in which magnetic degrees of freedom carry zero point entropy in analogy water ice. Recently it has been found that excitations in spin-ice behave like magnetic monopoles. In a magnetic field along [111] direction the density of these monopoles is a function of temperature and magnetic field and the corresponding phase diagram exhibits a phase transition which resembles the gas-liquid. Accordingly there exists a critical end-point for the monopole condensation. It also has been postulated that the emergent magnetic monopoles in addition carry electric dipole moments. Using dielectric spectroscopy we demonstrate the existence of such an electric dipole moment coupled to magnetic monopole excitations.
Date: Fri, 24.05.2013
Time: 14:30
Duration: 45 min
Location:Seminar Room CBEG02 (387, Photonics); Gußhausstraße 27
Contact:Andrei Pimenov