Calendar of Physics Talks Vienna

Topological aspects of switching in magnetic and multiferroic materials
Speaker:Sergey Artyukhin (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova - Italy)
Abstract:Topology has played a prominent role in condensed matter physics in the recent years. In magnetism, topological properties of domain walls and vortices were known for long, and more recently topological magnon band structures and other aspects were discussed. However, switching, the most important process from the viewpoint of applications, has not been investigated in the context of topology. I will discuss magnetoelectric switching in GdMn2O5, the first known topologically protected switching phenomenon, and electric field induced switching in spiral magnets, where topology turns out to play an important role.
Date: Wed, 26.07.2023
Time: 16:00
Duration: 45 min
Location:Freihaus, Seminarraum DC rot 07 (roter Bereich, 7. OG)
Contact:Andrei Pimenov

Some progress in regular black holes
Speaker: Yan-Gang Miao (Nankai University)
Abstract:We study the thermodynamics and dynamics of high-dimensional Einstein-power-Yang-Mills black holes in conformal gravity.Specifically,we investigate a class of conformally related black holes whose metrics differ by a scale factor.We show that a suitable scale factor cures the geodesic incompleteness and the divergence of Kretschmann scalars at the center of black holes.In the aspect of thermodynamics,we analyse the Hawking temperature,the entropy and the specific heat and verify the existence of second-order phase transitions.We find that the thermodynamics of this class of conformally related black holes is independent of scale factors. In the aspect of dynamics,we find that the quasinormal modes of minimally coupled scalar field perturbations are dependent on scale factors.Quite interesting is that the behavior of quasinormal mode frequencies also supports the independence of ....
Date: Thu, 27.07.2023
Time: 13:30
Duration: 60 min
Location:Fakultaet fuer Physik, Josef-Stefan-HS, Boltzmanngasse 5, 3. Stock
Contact:S. Fredenhagen, E. Battista