Calendar of Physics Talks Vienna

Quantum entanglement from randomized measurements
Speaker:Satoya Imai (University of Siegen)
Abstract:In this talk, I will first give an introduction to quantum entanglement and its detection. Then I will explain the basic concept of randomized measurements and show their usefulness to characterize entanglement in an experimentally-friendly manner. Moreover, I will develop the scheme and propose systematic methods to analyze spin-squeezing entanglement. Comment: In this seminar, I do not assume any background in quantum entanglement and will welcome theoreticians and experimentalists from different backgrounds very much!
Date: Tue, 22.08.2023
Time: 15:00
Duration: 45 min
Location:ZE 01-1
Contact:Giuseppe Vitagliano

Analyzing quantum entanglement with the Schmidt decomposition in operator space
Speaker:Sophia Denker (University of Siegen)
Abstract:Witness operators are a useful tool to detect and quantify entanglement. A standard way to construct them is based on the fidelity of pure states and mathematically relies on the Schmidt decomposition of vectors. I will present a method to build entanglement witnesses using the Schmidt decomposition of operators. One can show that these are strictly stronger than the fidelity witnesses. Moreover, the concept can be generalized easily to the multipartite case and one can use it to quantify the dimensionality of entanglement. Finally, I will present an algorithm to improve given witnesses for multiparticle entanglement.
Date: Wed, 23.08.2023
Time: 16:00
Duration: 45 min
Location:Seminarroom ZE 01-1
Contact:Giuseppe Vitagliano